
Office Address

4550 Investment Drive, Suite 290 Troy, Michigan 48098

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Find a Fresh New You

The Lunchtime Lift™ is a one-hour procedure performed in our office that lifts the cheeks, lower eyelids, and jowls and restores the natural curves and fullness in the cheeks and face. It has proven highly effective to create immediate and long-lasting results with the least discomfort or downtime. The Mini Lift addresses the lower half […]

Full Face Lift VS Mini Lift

Generally, a full facelift is recommended if you have a lot of hanging skin in the mid-portion of the neck, you have heavy jowls, and your neck doesn’t have a sharp angle under the chin,” she explains. “A mini-lift is a short version of a facelift and is recommended for people who have early signs of aging with minimal jowling and looseness in the neck. Both surgeries are ideal for the appropriate candidates.