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4550 Investment Drive, Suite 290 Troy, Michigan 48098

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Be Fabulous!

Cheek Implants

Cheeks are a focal point of your face and can convey youth and joy. Cheeks are also an anchoring point for the soft tissues of the face. As you age, your cheeks deflate and allow for the development of laugh lines. When the cheeks no longer support the tissues, your face can take on thick, heavy laugh lines and jowls. While cheeks can be augmented with injectables to achieve a youthful look, a permanent solution is cheek implants.

Dr. Danish has been performing cheek implants for over a decade with fantastic results. Cheek implants and sub-cheek implants come in many shapes and sizes and during your consultation, Dr. Danish will chose the best implant for your facial anatomy. Every face is unique, and she takes into consideration your bone structure, the way you’ve aged and your skin and soft tissues.

  • Takes less than an hour to perform
  • No visible scars
  • Improves your profile, giving you a naturally youthful look
  • Can be combined with a number of other surgeries

The procedure takes less than an hour to perform. Recovery will take one to two weeks depending on your swelling. The incision is inside the mouth so there are no visible scars. The implants fit nicely over your cheek bones and gives a pleasing natural result for years to come. The enhancement vastly improves your profile, giving you a naturally youthful look. Cheek implants can be combined with a number of other surgeries including facelifts, minilifts, eyelid lifts, brow lifts and chin implants.

What to Expect

The procedure takes less than an hour to perform. Recovery will take one to two weeks depending on your swelling. The incision is inside the mouth so there are no visible scars. The implants fit nicely over your cheek bones and gives a pleasing natural result for years to come. The enhancement vastly improves your profile, giving you a youthful look without looking fake.


If you are interested in improving your cheeks and face, please call Dr. Myra Danish, facial plastic surgeon in Troy, Michigan. After a consultation, she will make the best recommendations for you, and her Staff will go over the cost of the procedures. You can consider using Care Credit® online for financing. Please call the office today to schedule your appointment to see if you’re a candidate for a cheek implants or other procedures. Cheek implants can be combined with a number of other surgeries including facelifts, minilifts, eyelid lifts, brow lifts and chin implants.

How much does it cost?

Complete the ‘contact us’ form for your own personalized price estimate. We will call you to discuss your specific needs and provide a cost estimate. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by our high quality with affordable pricing. We look forward to hearing from you.

Get Started Today!

Financing is available so you can start looking younger and more vibrant today! Call us today at (248) 267-9700, or use our Contact Us form to request a free consultation.