
Office Address

4550 Investment Drive, Suite 290 Troy, Michigan 48098

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Reverse aging around mouth, eyes, chin, forehead and addresses crow’s feet, laugh lines, acne scars and more.

Injectables and Fillers

Botox, Juvéderm, Restylane, and others are so popular for one reason: in the hands of a skilled and talented physician, they work! You can replace lost volume, smooth and relax wrinkles and add contour to your face to effectively turn back time and restore a naturally youthful appearance.

We carry every facial injectable that’s FDA-approved.

The secret to great results? The experience of your doctor means everything. Dr. Danish is renowned for her ability to achieve remarkable results for her patients, removing years of facial aging in a single visit with our facial fillers and facial injectables.

Get Started Today!

Financing is available so you can start looking younger and more vibrant today! Call us today at (248) 267-9700, or use our Contact Us form to request a free consultation.