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4550 Investment Drive, Suite 290 Troy, Michigan 48098

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A fresher, more youthful appearance without having surgery.

Q: I’d like a fresher, more youthful appearance without having surgery. What would you recommend?

A: While surgery will give you the best results, Viora treatments offer the most advanced, noninvasive solutions for tightening and lifting skin, improving skin quality, contouring unwanted fat, regenerating collagen and reducing cellulite. The laser-like treatments for both facial and body concerns are quick, more comfortable and provide significant results with minimal to no downtime.

Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Myra Danish points out that aging is a multidimensional process. “To address aging we need multiple modalities of intervention. I would recommend using good skincare products and wearing sunscreen. Consider having laser facials to treat sun damage. Injections of Botox can address wrinkles and facial lines, while fillers can replace volume in the face. Surgical intervention is the next step to lift, tighten and rejuvenate sagging skin.”

If surgery is not an option, then Viora treatments are the most effective, nonsurgical alternatives to regain a younger, healthy, natural look. Learn more at dr.danish.com.