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Grow Young Together

Q: Dr. Danish, my husband and I were wondering, do men benefit as much as women from cosmetic procedures? If we want to come in together, can you work with us as a couple?

A: Valentines Day is approaching, and love is in the air! There is a growing trend for couples to have cosmetic procedures done together. I find working with couples can bring you closer together, as you share your expectations and help each other choose the right direction to take. Of course, men and women show the signs of aging differently, and we’ve all heard men referred to as ‘distinguished’ while women are just called ‘older’! Despite the difference in societal expectations, both men and women can benefit equally from cosmetic procedures.

Women are more aware of sun protection and skin care, so often men need to catch up to their wives in that area. We address sun spots and discoloration, and select products for daily cleansing and moisturizing. Men often need more assistance in the eye area and brows, from simple botox treatments to eye lifts and brow lifts for more complete results.


Both men and women experience a loss in facial volume and skin elasticity with age. These can be addressed with injectable fillers, cheek or chin implants, or mini-lifts to create a more youthful appearance. When couples share the experience together, it’s amazing how supportive and excited they are for each other! It can restore some of the zest in your relationship, creating a new bond from the shared experience.

You can be that “young and beautiful couple” again – at every age! Come in for a consultation together, and celebrate Valentines Day with a fresh new look!