
Office Address

4550 Investment Drive, Suite 290 Troy, Michigan 48098

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Time Is On Your Side

Your insider tips to looking years younger- just in time for the holiday season!

Yes, you DO have time to conquer those nagging lines, sags, and wrinkles that are bringing you down, and greet the holidays with a bright fresh look. The biggest improvement will come from procedures for the eyes and lower face. And good news – you can have most any procedure now and be fully recovered for December parties!

There are two paths to consider: surgical and nonsurgical. Your decision should be based on the outcome you desire and not just the short-term inconvenience. New surgical techniques provide outstanding results that last many years with only days of ‘down time’. Our Lunchtime Lift™ is performed in about an hour right in our offices, and effectively lifts and tightens the mid-face and jowls. Upper and lower eyelids are restored to their more youthful appearance with days – not weeks – of recovery time. Even full facelifts can be performed in time for your best holiday appearance. We’ll show you all your options and then you decide what feels right for you.

The non-surgical options are exciting and very effective, with little or no recovery time at all. Injectables, fillers, laser treatments, and peels can tighten, lift and restore lost volume and skin tone in just a few visits. These work best in combination, to address the multiple issues that aging creates. The results are impressive and immediate, but not permanent like surgical options provide.

Discover how easy it is to take years off your appearance and restore your youthful glow! Call today for your consultation, and greet the Holidays looking and feeling your very best.

Time is on Your Side