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4550 Investment Drive, Suite 290 Troy, Michigan 48098

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How has the field of plastic surgery changed over the years?

Q: Dr. Danish, how has the field of plastic surgery changed over the years – for the better or for the worse?

A: I’m excited to report that 2020 brings some major good news in cosmetic procedures. I like to say, we finally have ‘20-20 vision,’ where we look at the whole face and not just the individual parts. No more over-pumped lips out of sync with the balance of the face. No more hollow eyes and up-swept jawlines that look artificial.

When you look in the mirror, you should see a totally natural and balanced appearance – never looking artificial. I have been at the forefront of creating the blend of procedures that results in a beautiful, naturally younger-looking you. Each person’s facial anatomy, skin type, and degree of aging are unique. When a patient comes to me, I look at their face and then design a program of customized treatments for the very best outcome. In my hands, you will look natural, refreshed,
more energetic and simply, a younger version of yourself.

How has the field of plastic surgery changed over the years?

UnaSource Plastic Surgery & Spa
Dr. Myra Danish, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Facial Plastic Surgeon
4550 Investment Dr., Ste. 290
Troy, MI 48098
P: 248-267-9700